Thursday, January 22, 2015

Parent/Teacher letter

Dear Parents and Caregivers:                                                                          January, 2015

My name is Jeff Sa, I am a teacher candidate from Brock University’s Faculty of Education. I am currently enrolled in the Con-current Education Program where I am completing my fifth and final year. I have been lucky enough to be enrolled in your child’s grade 5 classroom where I will be teaching social studies.

I have the opportunity to teach your child two very important strands in the curriculum of social studies. The first being heritage and identity: First nations and Europeans in New France and Early Canada. The second strand being people and environments: The Role of government and Responsible citizenship.

We began our first lesson with a quick overview of the rise and fall of New France. The focus on the first strand of the grade 5 curriculum, in social studies was provided with much support. Students were provided a media link as well as images to help build their comprehension of this significant historical context. This will be the general consensus for each lesson; there will be ample amounts of differentiated instruction to further reach the multitude of each learner. The objective is that each student will understand the big idea. This big idea will focus on Canada’s identify and how our history shapes our identity as a culture and a nation.

Throughout this unit you and your child will be able to follow our progression of the social studies unit through the blog that I will be posting following each days lesson. If you have any questions, concerns or even suggestions please do not hesitate to inquiry.

Mr. J. Sa

Brock University Teacher Candidate

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